Helpful information as the springtime approaches us and soon we will be thinking of going to the seashore ? and visiting any of the many beaches ⛱ in Dennis Massachusetts.
Rules and Regulations
1. Beaches are staffed by lifeguards only during posted hours. Beach use is at individual’s own risk.
2. No alcoholic beverages will be permitted on the beaches or in the parking areas at ANY TIME.
3. No smoking will be permitted on the beaches or in the beach parking areas at ANY TIME.
4. No littering will be permitted on the beaches or in the parking areas at ANY TIME. No glass containers or bottles shall be allowed on the beach or in the parking areas at any time.
5. No person will be permitted in the fenced-in or otherwise posted area of the dunes at ANY TIME.
6. No selling, advertising, soliciting or giving away of goods or services will be permitted on the beaches or parking areas, except by concessionaire under contract with the Town of Dennis or with prior approval of the Board of Selectmen.
Dennis MA beach rules
7. Unless otherwise authorized, beaches and beach parking areas are closed to the general public during posted hours as determined by the Board of Selectmen.
8. No animals or pets will be permitted on the beaches, in the parking areas, or in unattended vehicles in the parking areas AT ANY TIME from the Friday of Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day.
9. Access to Town owned beach parking areas may be restricted at the discretion of the appropriate Town Agents at any time.
10. Public nudity, including public nude bathing, by any person on the Dennis public beaches is prohibited. Gender-appropriate bathing suits or clothing are required at all times.
11. Use of open fires is prohibited at all times. The use of grills must be permitted only in designated parking areas with prior approval from the Beach Department.
12. Rollerblades, skateboards, roller skates and scooters are prohibited from all Town beach parking lots when staffed.
13. Windsurfing and board rigging at West Dennis Beach are restricted to the designated area for said purpose and access to the beach is limited to specified pathways. No rigging shall occur within the dunes at any beach. Equipment shall not be left in the parking lot in such a manner to occupy an additional parking space.
14. No boating, fishing, windsurfing, kite boarding, paddle boarding or scuba diving will be permitted in areas designated by lifeguards and or swim buoys as swimming areas.
15. No radio or any other audio device by which sound may be reproduced and/or amplified shall be operated on any beach or parking facility owned and operated by the Town of Dennis in such a manner as to be audible beyond a radius of 15 feet from its location.
16. No individual or group of individuals will be granted reserved parking places.
17. No ball playing, tossing of Frisbees, or other objects will be permitted with out expressed permission of the lifeguard and in areas to be designated by the lifeguards or appropriate Town Agents.
18. The use of airborne devices including, but not limited to: drones, planes, personal jetpacks, other motorized flying devices are prohibited unless authorized at the discretion of an appropriate Town Agent and lifeguard.
19. Use of rafts, inflatable or umbrellas, skim boards, tents, or kites may be prohibited as directed by appropriate Town Agents and lifeguards.
20. No canopies larger than 10’ x 10’ are allowed on the beach. Canopies must be located behind or parallel to the lifeguard stands and be no closer than 10’ to a boardwalk or may be placed at the discretion of an appropriate Town Agent or lifeguard.
21. Children under ten (10) years of age must be accompanied by an adult or person responsible for his or her behavior within the beach area.
22. Town officials, lifeguards, and beach monitors must be obeyed in the enforcement of these regulations and in any other situation in which the judgment of the lifeguard or appropriate town agent must be exercised for the protection and safety of persons using the beach facilities.
23. Regulation No.1 through 10 will be in effect at all times during the year. Regulations No. 11-21 inclusive will be in effect during posted beach hours.
24. Any violation of the Dennis MA beach rules and regulations may result in a criminal complaint for which a fine of not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) may be imposed for each offense. As an alternative to the criminal complaint process an enforcement official may issue a non-criminal violation notice with a fine of fifty dollars ($50.00) for any violation of these regulations pursuant to the provision of Massachusetts General Law 40-21D and Town of Dennis By-law.